Thursday, February 18, 2010

This pregnancy

It hit me again today just how different this pregnancy has been compared to the boys. And I thought they were night and day... This has been a completely different world.

It amazes me how very low Beth is. It's like sometimes when she kicks, I don't know if it could be any lower. I wonder sometimes if I can see her foot! It's not like it's painful, just really weird. With the boys, they were positioned so much higher. When Nick kicked, it's like he was kicking my lungs. He could take my breath away. Zack liked to kick and make me nauseous. Beth sure has a mind of her own already!

With her positioned lower, I can also see more of my tummy. This isn't too big of a deal, except today I realized that my belly button has disappeared. There is no little indent anymore, just flat. Don't know if this was the case the first two times around, because I couldn't see it with how high the boys were, but it sure looks strange. And, I can see my stretch marks for the first time while being pregnant too... Not nearly as impressed with that fact. :(

Then there is the whole tightness thing. I realized yesterday that all the muscles tense up around my tummy and in my chest when I get stressed out or am frustrated at the boys. So, I've been trying extra hard to stay calm, and not let the boys get to me... Not an easy thing to do when I'm with them 24/7. All I keep thinking is - - just two more months!

1 comment:

  1. you'll get through it soon enough! all my pregnancies have been so different. my first two kids were low, but greg wouldn't drop at all. it's just weird how they can be different.
