Wednesday, March 31, 2010

False Alarm

It was a very interesting day yesterday. After an event filled weekend, it was nice to get home to relax on Monday. Adam was off, and he took care of the boys while I just lounged around. It was a great rest, but by Monday night, I was feeling kinda "funny." So yesterday morning, I got up and I went with the boys to the chiropractor, which was wonderful! By the time we left there and went to Wal-Mart, the "funny" feeling was back, and by the time we made it home, I was having contractions about 15 minutes apart. After several phone calls, I got ahold of Adam who just happened to have made it back to Elk City. So he headed home, Michelle, a friend of ours, picked up the boys, and we headed to the hospital to get checked out. Turns out an UTI was causing the contracts, so they pumped me full of fluids/antibiotics, and after 4 hours of waiting, we went back home. Since we are only 34 weeks, part of me is relieved, and part of me is frustrated to have to stay there that long to not get a baby out of the deal! :) Oh, well. She just wasn't ready yet.

So, today starts another day. Adam is back at work bright and early this morning. Ok, not bright, since he left before 4, but the early definitely counts. The "funny" feeling is gone, and I am feeling much better. I got the laundry done last night, so all that needs to be done today is dishes and the floors. Since the weather is so awesome today, I am planning on taking advantage of it and spending a lot of time outside with the boys. The kids, including Beth, are very busy this morning. I better take that motivation, and get the day started!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

34 week check-up

Well, today, and the last couple days, have been interesting. First yesterday, though. After some prodding, I finally took the initiative and got overnight bags packed for Beth, me, and the boys for when Beth decides to start making her arrival. It took a whole 10 minutes, and I don't really know why I've been procrastinating about it, but it is finally done. I also got her diaper rack hung up in her room, and the changing table organized. (another procrastination task that totaled 10 minutes. lol!) Because I was feeling so great yesterday, I went ahead and did the 4 loads of laundry that was piling up and two loads of dishes. Yes, I was feeling very accomplished by the end of the day. Now if only the floors would vacuum themselves, because I didn't feel THAT great or motivated! :)

Now, on to today... which was my 34 week doctors appointment. I took Zack along with me today. He's been quite congested, for a few weeks now, and has been very clumsy. So, I was fearing that he might be getting an ear infection. But, no. He's just clumsy! He checked out fine, and Doc commented on how good he seems to be doing. He weighed in at 38 whopping pounds!
As for me, I am good. Very little weight gain and heart rate and blood pressure are good. I had thought a couple days ago that Beth might of "dropped," and I was confirmed that today. Good for breathing, bad for bladder. LOL! After doc discovered this, she decided that the last test that usually takes place at 36 weeks, they might ought to move up and do today. Prob a good idea... considering she measure me while she was at it, and I am dilated to a 2 and have a soft cervix. So... it's a toss up if I'm going to make it to my next appointment in two weeks. Yeah!!!
Guess there was a reason to go ahead and get those bags packed yesterday!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Great family day!

Our little family had one of the best day's yesterday! I couldn't tell you the last time that all four of us were here and it was so peaceful! I don't think a single person yelled the whole day! The spirit in our home was absolutely awesome!! We didn't do anything really special, just were home together. And, it wasn't just sitting in front of the television or computer, it was actually being together. SOOOOO NICE!

Unfortunately our family time was broken with Adam having to return to work today. But, the calmness in the house has continued. The three of us had a good day at church this morning. Both the boys behaved, as far as I know. At least they stayed in class, and I didn't have to be taken out tend to either of them. They are growing up so fast! But, it is certainly a good thing, since we are about a month away from Beth getting here, and then she will be distracting us in church. How time flies!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

32 weeks

Well, I am officially 32 weeks along, and things with me and the baby are good. I've been getting out nearly everyday and walking for 20-30 minutes, and it feels great! It has also helped slow down the weight gain, as I only gained 2 lbs this time. It has really helped the boys, too, and they are loving being outside.

Wishing all aspects in my life were so good! I found out last week that a good high school friend of mine, Melisa, passed away. She had several health problems, but had been doing really well. So, it was a bit of a shock. I had just reconnected with her on face book, and we'd had lots of discussions about PawPaw and so forth. I sure am going to miss her! Will, Mel's boyfriend, flew her back to Oklahoma so the funeral could be with family and friends. It will be on Wednesday. I'm very thankful that I will get to see her one last time while here on earth. I am so grateful, Will. Thank you!

In other areas, PawPaw went back to the ER on Sunday. More pain, stomach this time, and more hallucinations. Uggh! Starting to see a reoccurring cycle...
Despite him being high as a kite from the morphine they gave him, and him still seeing things, they sent him home that same afternoon. I sure wish someone would figure out what is going on, and fix it! Obviously, there is a problem. Am I the only one that sees this??!??! Just don't understand.

Everything else, I guess, is normal. Whatever that is! Adam was off for the weekend, and enjoyed it in front of the computer watching movies. He is back at work today, and looking at another long week. At least we should see him some this week. So that is a definite plus! I've taken the boys' diapers away, and am diligently working on getting them to stay dry through the night. I think we are doing a pretty good job, and have had just two accidents in the last week. Since I am having to go potty in the middle of the night, around 2, I have been getting them up as well. I am hoping to start moving that time up a little at a time until I no longer have to get them up. Not sure what else to do, so we'll see how it goes.

I've been having a lot of pain in my hip and lower back, so I finally made an appointment with a chiropractor in Weatherford. I go tomorrow, and am really hoping that he will help and I can start getting some sleep. Here's hoping!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sun is shining

Well, it has been a gorgeous week! Sun shining, warm weather, and feeling better this week than I have in a while.

After my hip being sucha pain and discovering the horrible weight gain, I decided that some much need exercise was a necessity. Luckily the weather has cooperated, and while the boys played in the driveway with some sidewalk chalk or with the Gator, I walked our loop for 20-30 minutes each day. It has helped tremendously with my stressed muscles, my hip, and I feel great! On top of that, it has really helped to get the kids outside. Sure has made the days go by better, and the kids have been in such a great mood. Awesome!

In other news, PawPaw has been sent home again. He returned home on Tuesday afternoon. He had a rough spell that afternoon, but seems to be doing better now. Despite everyone telling him he needs to get up, he refuses. It's very frustrating. He needs to get circulation in that foot and really needs to work those muscles. But, he is stubborn! LOL. Obviously, that is where me and my kids get it from! :)

Well, we are going to have a busy weekend. The boys and I are headed to Manitou to clean the Methodist church with Nana after lunch. We are staying at mom and dad's tonight, and then headed to McAlester to see Grandpa Nobles on Saturday. Riding in the van that far should be interesting. Hopefully my hip and leg will behave themselves. We should get home sometime Sunday afternoon. We haven't seen Adam all week, and he has to work today and tomorrow, so we won't get to see him until we get home on Sunday. Bummer. But, it will be good to see Grandpa!

Monday, March 1, 2010


What a good weekend. Dad came up on Saturday, and him and Adam got the car fixed. So, the van has returned to Mom and Dad's house. Yeah!!! One more stresser gone! Well, make that two - - the car fixed and the van gone!

While they were fixing the car, the kids and I picked up mom and went to see PawPaw at Altus. He was very groggy most of Saturday, but that didn't keep the boys from trying to wake him up and talk to him. It was kinda cute. They kept poking him and telling him to "WAKE UP!" His eyes would pop open, and he'd then grin at them. So they thought it was a great game! LOL
He is still having some pain in his leg, but seems to be doing lots better when the nurses come around and get him out of bed to walk him. His family doctor got back from vacation today, and everyone seems to think that is like magic, and everything will get better now. However, from what I can tell, all he has done today is push more meds. :( Sure hasn't impressed me.

All four of us were able to attend church together yesterday. The boys behave so much better when Adam is home and able to go to church with us! And, we even made it on time! Now, that's a shocker... The whole day sure seemed to run smoothly. I'm hoping that Nick was better, and kept his spit to himself. At least his teacher didn't track me down yesterday, so that is a good sign!

Today, Adam and I went and saw Beth with the 4-D ultrasound. It was really cool. Unfortunately, our little one is quite stubborn. She had her head buried in my left hip, and wouldn't pose for the camera. So, all we got were pictures of her face in profile view. Some of them are pretty darn cute, though! She has some of the longest fingers, I think I have ever seen! And she really enjoys putting them in her mouth, and using them to cover her face. So Cute!! Also, we kinda walked through the hospital, and one of the nursery nurses showed us the labor and delivery department. The rooms are HUGE! For such a tiny hospital, I was very shocked to see the size of the labor/delivery rooms and the recovery rooms. Especially after the tiny closet of a room I recovered in while in Lawton. Needless to say, I am very impressed and feel very comfortable about delivering at Weatherford Hospital. :)