Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Vacation

This summer, we got to visit a place I've never been - - San Antonio!! How fun!

The drive down seemed to take days instead of the 9.5 hours it actually took. I think everyone was so anxious to get there, we kinda drove each other crazy a little. Beth was the cutest. She kept asking, when are we getting to vacation?, is it time for vacation?, and are we at vacation yet?. Oh, my little chatter box...

The whole reasoning of going down there was to see some good friends of ours that had moved last year. We sure do miss them, and are so excited when we get to see them again! We spent 5 days of visiting, eating, and chasing kids. It was wonderful!! Our kids are already wondering what we will do when we visit next time, so be ready Monica! :)

While we were there, we went to the River Walk. The weather was great, and it was a really neat place. I'd love to go without kids to check out some of the shops some day. We ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe (don't waste your time and money!!) and then went on the boat ride tour. Very cool tour!! I learned and saw some really cool and interesting stuff! We poked our head into the wax museum and Ripley's, but decided it was getting late, and headed back to the car.

Another night, we went to a bbq at one of their friends' house. Kids had a blast playing outside in the slip-and-slide and with water balloons. Adults had a great time visiting. What a great evening chit chatting and eating!

I sure wish our visit could have lasted another week, but we did have to return north. It was so great seeing our wonderful friends, and we look forward to a return visit!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


One of my favorite things that Nick did this school year is journal. His wonderful teacher set aside a couple times a week to write their thoughts down in a spiral notebook. Occasionally, she'd give them a topic, but for the most part, they could freestyle and write whatever was on their mind. Genius!

So, since I loved this so much, Nick and I discussed keeping it going. He thought it was a superb idea! So, now him and I both sit down on Sunday afternoon to journal. Zack has even joined in. It has become a wonderful Sunday-after-church activity! We may just have an author in the making... :)