Monday, January 6, 2014

Date with Boo

Beth and I started having wonderful little "dates" on Friday afternoons a couple months back, and it is wonderful!!

Since I get off from work early on Fridays, I am able to pick Beth up from school. This has been awesome Mommy-Daughter time and we have both enjoyed it so much! Usually, we go to Sonic for Happy Hour, and Beth gets a slushy.

However, this Friday, it was cold, and she already had a sucker from school (two actually, thanks Miss Karen!) So, instead we decided to go to the library. It has been a good while since we had been to the public library, and oh, what fun! After playing in the play area, she picked out books, a Play-Away movie, and we picked out both boys a chapter book. (Oh, and I picked out a book while she was playing.) As we were checking out, Beth spotted the TV with pictures rotating on it, and found herself and her class. She was so excited! "There I am with my friends and MS.KATHY!!" It was so cute!!

It is so great that she loves to 'read' already, and it made me so grateful for all of the librarians that the kids have had over the last several years. They have all played a huge part in their love for books. I so LOVE that the kids have a love for books like I do. It is so great to read with them and discuss the plot and all the details.

I look forward to many more "dates" with each of my children, and to enjoying many more books with them as well!

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