Wednesday, August 20, 2014


This summer has gone by so fast, and we've had so much going on, I'm not sure where to begin!

Our highlight of the summer was our trip to Florida. 1 week is simply not long enough. It was super special to spend this amazing vacation with Meme, Popa, Nana, and PawPaw. I took tons of pictures, none of which I have taken the time to download from my camera, and we thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
Some of our favorites: airplane ride, meeting the characters and princesses, Beth seeing 'her' castle and being treated like a princess, seeing the Lion King play, and riding rides and roller coasters. The kids have all asked when we are going back. Hmmm... if money only grew on trees!!

The boys spent the rest of the summer with Acme and Summer Playground. They had their days filled with games, science experiments, and field trips. And their field trips were awesome!! Zoo, Frontier City, Botanical Gardens, Science Museum, Airport and Air Museum, Red Hawks baseball game, and Braums factory to name a few. They were BUSY!
Beth spent the summer with Pop N Tot, where she had some great adventures of her own. She also stayed with Jessica West, who has become a part of our family. Jessica has just left for her mission, and will be GREATLY missed. I foresee a lot of Beth letters headed to California!

Add in two family reunions, 4th of July fun, piano lessons, gymnastic practice, Bountiful Baskets, Family fun day, and some park trips, and we have had a fun filled summer.
The last two weeks we have been prepping for school to start and all three kids have been super excited. Meet the teacher night was great, and all three love their teachers. (And I do too!) All three will be going to Acme ASP (After School Program) and are excited to be together. (Me too!)

I'm sure things won't slow down any, and I have decided that this is just our new normal. And, I am ok with that! As long as we keep our family time, and get to spend time together!

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