Thursday, April 8, 2010

35 1/2 weeks

10 days now having contractions. I had a check up with doc this morning, and discovered that all these contractions have made a little progress. Exciting part was, I am 75% effaced. Which is great, since I was 0 last week! Yeah!! I have only dilated from a 1-2 to a 2-3, though. But, considering I didn't dilate with the boys either, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I see petocin in my future... For the last two weeks, I've only had a 1 pound gain per week, so I think that is great, and doc agrees. So, there's the facts...

Now for the complaints. lol! Did I mention that I've been having contractions for 10 days now? Yep, and they've made all my muscles from my belly button down very sore. Ugh! All that I thought I knew about being pregnant has gone out the window with this one. I had contractions for two days with Zack before I went into labor, but they were nothing like the contractions I've had this time. These are serious, no fooling around, pay attention to me contractions. Now, if they'd only get closer together and stay consistent, we might actually have a baby! With both the boys, I never got to the point of being "miserable" and "just wanting to be done." Well, the wanting to be done part is sure here, and I have a feeling the "miserable" isn't too far off, considering my muscles and the lack of sleep.

Alright. On to brighter subjects!! My little boy is turning 3 tomorrow!! I can hardly believe that he is three already. In so many ways he's still my baby, and should not be allowed to be a "big boy!" Unfortunately, due to my lack of energy and creativity, we are having a very low key birthday party on Saturday. I refuse to stress about it, so we are just having cupcakes and popsicles at the park. That way, the kids can play outside, and I don't have to clean my house before or after. Yep, I admitted it. I don't want to clean up! Either way, I'm sure Zack will have a blast. It's all about making him feel special. I don't really think he cares what we do. I am just hoping that Adam will be able to get some time at home this weekend, even though he is scheduled to work. Hopefully, they will finish up the job they are one early on Saturday, and he can have some of the afternoon with us. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Nick is really excited for Zack's birthday. But not for the reasons you might think... He knows that after Zack's b-day is when Beth is supposed to get here. And that is what he is truly excited about. My luck, of course, is with the planning of Zack's party, that is when our little bundle will make her arrival.

1 comment:

  1. Amber, I understand how you feel! With Jason I had contractions for two weeks before he was born. They would start at 8 a.m. and stop at 10 p.m. and be 10 minutes apart all day. I was exhausted. When you said you were planning Zack's birthday party, my thought was, "Uh-oh! She's probably going to have to cancel the party!" Praying that Beth arrives safe and sound.
