Part of our house is finally doing better. Nick seems back to normal. He went to school on Friday, and seems to be his normal wild self. I've decided this not eating thing is a stage he's at. And, even though it's very annoying, at least he is eating more than when he was sick. I asked him last night if he knew what happens to kids that don't eat. Upon is "no" answer, I told him that kids that don't eat have to go to the doctor and get shots in their bum. At least he ate the rest of his dinner...
Beth is somewhat better as well. Her stuffies are almost gone, and she's not running a fever anymore. I did spot two more white spots last night in her mouth. So, I think her not nursing much is due to teething. I am really hoping she gets back to nursing normally, though, because 10 months is to early for her to quit. She also has new bruises on her forehead, that I have no idea where they came from. So mysterious. She doesn't have sensitive skin like the boys, but looks like she will bruise easily like me. Poor kid.
As for Zack, he is some better. He is eating better, but not back to normal yet. He is hearing better though, and his ears have almost quit draining. He doesn't like his prescription meds, though, and we are having a rough time keeping them down. I'm going to try some new ideas today, and if that doesn't work, I'm calling the drs office tomorrow, and getting a new prescription. He's not running a fever anymore, either, so at least he's making improvements.
As for me, I am running on very little sleep and am very tired. Adam left Friday night and has no idea of when he will be back. Thanks to the weather, they are very behind, and are staying in hotels close to the job to try and make up time. UGH! To top it off, at some point in all my cleaning and disinfecting from all the sickness yesterday, I hurt my back. I woke up this morning, and can hardly bend at all. And when I do, it shoots pain up and down my back. Not good. So glad we are going to the chiropractor tomorrow. Also glad today is Sunday, so we will be staying home and resting. Just have to figure out something easy to make for dinner now...
Oh girl sounds like life has been extremely rough for you lately. I hate when the whole family get's sick at the same time. It seems us mom's are the ones that run on only a few hours of sleep. So sorry you hurt your back. Ouch...poor soul! If you lived closer I'd be there helping you. I pray this coming week will be tons better for you. You deserve some much needed R&R.