I have relearned 2 life lessons in the last 24 hours.
First: I am so extremely gullible. Now, this can be a good thing. But, in regards to the last 24 hours, it is very bad. I have this thing about letting people in. I have been burned so many times, you'd thing I'd have learned by now. Obviously not. Will I ever learn? I really hope so!
Second: Some people live for making other people miserable. Yes, this too I have learned in the past, but somehow it has been buried and somewhat forgotten. I truly will never understand mean people. I just don't get it. I know there are a lot of mean people out there that do a lot of mean things. I mean, I do have some grasp of reality. But, in my head, I just don't understand it.
Yes, these two things go hand in hand. Which leads me to... How do these trouble makers keep finding me. Every time things start getting better for me or our family, something or someone comes along and messes it all up again. Now, I understand that we are here to be tried and tested. Some days, though, I just feel like my life is just a big failure, and that there is no way to past the test. Thankfully, I have three wonderful miracles that keep me sane and grounded.
You're passing the test every morning you put your feet on the floor and thank God for another day. You're passing the test when you take care of your husband and beautiful children. You're passing the test when you attend church, take the sacrament, and renew your covenants with the one who makes salvation possible. You're passing the test when you attend the temple and feel the quiet peace that comes from within and do for another what she could not do for herself. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." You're reaping by your faithfulness. Trouble makers reap by theirs. Love, Toni
ReplyDeleteI am sorry things are not going well for you. I understand how u feel. That is why I try to concentrate and devote myself to my husband and children. I've been burned to many times by "Troublemakers". Unfortunately some are even family members and all you can really do is try to live like our Savior and forgive and then move on. I don't think you need to keep allowing them into your life however,(even family members). As hard as forgiveness is, you'll be the better person for it and you won't be bogged down by the burden of carrying it with you. Amber my dear your a good person and in no way a failure. I find that the troublemakers of this world are just petty people who thrive off the drama of conflict. If you look closely at them you'll see that they're just simply lost and confused and one day they'll get their just dues. Some day they'll grow up and realize what a pain they've been, but until that day...take care of the things that are important to you and ignore all the negative. Besides, having too many negative people around you will only make you a sour and biter person too. So surround yourself with the positive influences in your life and remember your an AMAZING woman who can do anything she puts her mind too. Love ya sis!! I hope things get better...I truly do understand how ur feeling. It sucks, but with time it'll pass. Love ya!!!! Shaleen