What a good weekend. Dad came up on Saturday, and him and Adam got the car fixed. So, the van has returned to Mom and Dad's house. Yeah!!! One more stresser gone! Well, make that two - - the car fixed and the van gone!
While they were fixing the car, the kids and I picked up mom and went to see PawPaw at Altus. He was very groggy most of Saturday, but that didn't keep the boys from trying to wake him up and talk to him. It was kinda cute. They kept poking him and telling him to "WAKE UP!" His eyes would pop open, and he'd then grin at them. So they thought it was a great game! LOL
He is still having some pain in his leg, but seems to be doing lots better when the nurses come around and get him out of bed to walk him. His family doctor got back from vacation today, and everyone seems to think that is like magic, and everything will get better now. However, from what I can tell, all he has done today is push more meds. :( Sure hasn't impressed me.
All four of us were able to attend church together yesterday. The boys behave so much better when Adam is home and able to go to church with us! And, we even made it on time! Now, that's a shocker... The whole day sure seemed to run smoothly. I'm hoping that Nick was better, and kept his spit to himself. At least his teacher didn't track me down yesterday, so that is a good sign!
Today, Adam and I went and saw Beth with the 4-D ultrasound. It was really cool. Unfortunately, our little one is quite stubborn. She had her head buried in my left hip, and wouldn't pose for the camera. So, all we got were pictures of her face in profile view. Some of them are pretty darn cute, though! She has some of the longest fingers, I think I have ever seen! And she really enjoys putting them in her mouth, and using them to cover her face. So Cute!! Also, we kinda walked through the hospital, and one of the nursery nurses showed us the labor and delivery department. The rooms are HUGE! For such a tiny hospital, I was very shocked to see the size of the labor/delivery rooms and the recovery rooms. Especially after the tiny closet of a room I recovered in while in Lawton. Needless to say, I am very impressed and feel very comfortable about delivering at Weatherford Hospital. :)
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