Thursday, March 25, 2010

34 week check-up

Well, today, and the last couple days, have been interesting. First yesterday, though. After some prodding, I finally took the initiative and got overnight bags packed for Beth, me, and the boys for when Beth decides to start making her arrival. It took a whole 10 minutes, and I don't really know why I've been procrastinating about it, but it is finally done. I also got her diaper rack hung up in her room, and the changing table organized. (another procrastination task that totaled 10 minutes. lol!) Because I was feeling so great yesterday, I went ahead and did the 4 loads of laundry that was piling up and two loads of dishes. Yes, I was feeling very accomplished by the end of the day. Now if only the floors would vacuum themselves, because I didn't feel THAT great or motivated! :)

Now, on to today... which was my 34 week doctors appointment. I took Zack along with me today. He's been quite congested, for a few weeks now, and has been very clumsy. So, I was fearing that he might be getting an ear infection. But, no. He's just clumsy! He checked out fine, and Doc commented on how good he seems to be doing. He weighed in at 38 whopping pounds!
As for me, I am good. Very little weight gain and heart rate and blood pressure are good. I had thought a couple days ago that Beth might of "dropped," and I was confirmed that today. Good for breathing, bad for bladder. LOL! After doc discovered this, she decided that the last test that usually takes place at 36 weeks, they might ought to move up and do today. Prob a good idea... considering she measure me while she was at it, and I am dilated to a 2 and have a soft cervix. So... it's a toss up if I'm going to make it to my next appointment in two weeks. Yeah!!!
Guess there was a reason to go ahead and get those bags packed yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how totally exciting. I can't wait to see pictures of her. :o) I saw the ultra sound picture you sent mom, so adorable!!!! I love the new ultra sound equipment. So did you ever get a good nights sleep?
