Thursday, April 8, 2010

35 1/2 weeks

10 days now having contractions. I had a check up with doc this morning, and discovered that all these contractions have made a little progress. Exciting part was, I am 75% effaced. Which is great, since I was 0 last week! Yeah!! I have only dilated from a 1-2 to a 2-3, though. But, considering I didn't dilate with the boys either, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I see petocin in my future... For the last two weeks, I've only had a 1 pound gain per week, so I think that is great, and doc agrees. So, there's the facts...

Now for the complaints. lol! Did I mention that I've been having contractions for 10 days now? Yep, and they've made all my muscles from my belly button down very sore. Ugh! All that I thought I knew about being pregnant has gone out the window with this one. I had contractions for two days with Zack before I went into labor, but they were nothing like the contractions I've had this time. These are serious, no fooling around, pay attention to me contractions. Now, if they'd only get closer together and stay consistent, we might actually have a baby! With both the boys, I never got to the point of being "miserable" and "just wanting to be done." Well, the wanting to be done part is sure here, and I have a feeling the "miserable" isn't too far off, considering my muscles and the lack of sleep.

Alright. On to brighter subjects!! My little boy is turning 3 tomorrow!! I can hardly believe that he is three already. In so many ways he's still my baby, and should not be allowed to be a "big boy!" Unfortunately, due to my lack of energy and creativity, we are having a very low key birthday party on Saturday. I refuse to stress about it, so we are just having cupcakes and popsicles at the park. That way, the kids can play outside, and I don't have to clean my house before or after. Yep, I admitted it. I don't want to clean up! Either way, I'm sure Zack will have a blast. It's all about making him feel special. I don't really think he cares what we do. I am just hoping that Adam will be able to get some time at home this weekend, even though he is scheduled to work. Hopefully, they will finish up the job they are one early on Saturday, and he can have some of the afternoon with us. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Nick is really excited for Zack's birthday. But not for the reasons you might think... He knows that after Zack's b-day is when Beth is supposed to get here. And that is what he is truly excited about. My luck, of course, is with the planning of Zack's party, that is when our little bundle will make her arrival.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

What a great Easter weekend. The weather was great! We didn't do a whole lot, got to stay home the entire weekend. What a switch, but SOOO nice!! Adam was off the both days, and we got the last of the odd and end things done for Beth before she makes her arrival.

Saturday was pretty relaxing. Adam and I got the last couple things out of the attic for Beth's room, including the bassinet and little bath tub. Nick is so cute when it comes to Beth's baby things. It's like it's Christmas for him! "Ohhh, is Beth going to use that? Ahhh, she's going to love that! OOOOOOHHH! That's so cute!" And then it is usually followed by a little giggle. Adorable!!
I got the bedding for the bassinet washed, and the rest of Saturday was spent watching general conference, and just hanging out the four of us.

Sunday was a little more eventful. Nana, PawPaw, Mom and Dad all came up for lunch. But, before they even got here, chaos ensued. While emptying the dishwasher, I broke a small glass bowl, and glass shards went everywhere. It couldn't have been just a simple break... NO, it shattered. UGH! Then, while cleaning that up, Adam found the boys in their room witha bottle of Windex, spraying the walls and carpet. Needless to say, after running the fan in there for the last 24 hours, it still smells like cleaner. Luckily the only thing I was in charge of for lunch was BBQ potatoes, so that was easy enough.
We had a nice lunch, then Dad hid the eggs in the back yard for the boys. They had a blast! Nick had been worried that morning that the bunny had forgotten them, so he was very excited to learn that the bunny had tricked him and hid the stuff in the back yard. Mom and Dad got the boys new "big boy" swings for the swing set, so now they can swing in the back yard. Of course they had to try them out, and they both love them. Nana and PawPaw got the boys battery operated bubble blowers, which they also love!

All grandparents left late afternoon, and I sure was exhausted by that time. I had contractions on and off all weekend, but not any other progress from what I can tell. The contractions are getting stronger, though, and I keep thinking any time. I was officially 35 weeks yesterday for Easter, so little Beth sure can make her appearance soon! :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

34 1/2 week check up

Back to the doctors office this morning. Just a check up. Gained another pound. Just glad that it wasn't any more than that. Infection is gone, and all is good!

My ob is the best! She told Beth and I that we needed to wait until Monday to go into labor. Her dad is having surgery tomorrow, and then it is Easter weekend this weekend, so it would be much more convenient for her if we waited. LOL!! I told her I'd do the best I could, but made no promises. I got to thinking about it, and Zack was born the day after Easter too, so that would be pretty cool!

The weather right now is just awesome! The boys and I are sure taking advantage of the sunshine. We played outside most of yesterday, and are headed to the park again this afternoon. We need to enjoy it while it lasts, because we are expecting severe weather for the weekend. What a way to spend Easter... thunderstorms! Ugh!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

False Alarm

It was a very interesting day yesterday. After an event filled weekend, it was nice to get home to relax on Monday. Adam was off, and he took care of the boys while I just lounged around. It was a great rest, but by Monday night, I was feeling kinda "funny." So yesterday morning, I got up and I went with the boys to the chiropractor, which was wonderful! By the time we left there and went to Wal-Mart, the "funny" feeling was back, and by the time we made it home, I was having contractions about 15 minutes apart. After several phone calls, I got ahold of Adam who just happened to have made it back to Elk City. So he headed home, Michelle, a friend of ours, picked up the boys, and we headed to the hospital to get checked out. Turns out an UTI was causing the contracts, so they pumped me full of fluids/antibiotics, and after 4 hours of waiting, we went back home. Since we are only 34 weeks, part of me is relieved, and part of me is frustrated to have to stay there that long to not get a baby out of the deal! :) Oh, well. She just wasn't ready yet.

So, today starts another day. Adam is back at work bright and early this morning. Ok, not bright, since he left before 4, but the early definitely counts. The "funny" feeling is gone, and I am feeling much better. I got the laundry done last night, so all that needs to be done today is dishes and the floors. Since the weather is so awesome today, I am planning on taking advantage of it and spending a lot of time outside with the boys. The kids, including Beth, are very busy this morning. I better take that motivation, and get the day started!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

34 week check-up

Well, today, and the last couple days, have been interesting. First yesterday, though. After some prodding, I finally took the initiative and got overnight bags packed for Beth, me, and the boys for when Beth decides to start making her arrival. It took a whole 10 minutes, and I don't really know why I've been procrastinating about it, but it is finally done. I also got her diaper rack hung up in her room, and the changing table organized. (another procrastination task that totaled 10 minutes. lol!) Because I was feeling so great yesterday, I went ahead and did the 4 loads of laundry that was piling up and two loads of dishes. Yes, I was feeling very accomplished by the end of the day. Now if only the floors would vacuum themselves, because I didn't feel THAT great or motivated! :)

Now, on to today... which was my 34 week doctors appointment. I took Zack along with me today. He's been quite congested, for a few weeks now, and has been very clumsy. So, I was fearing that he might be getting an ear infection. But, no. He's just clumsy! He checked out fine, and Doc commented on how good he seems to be doing. He weighed in at 38 whopping pounds!
As for me, I am good. Very little weight gain and heart rate and blood pressure are good. I had thought a couple days ago that Beth might of "dropped," and I was confirmed that today. Good for breathing, bad for bladder. LOL! After doc discovered this, she decided that the last test that usually takes place at 36 weeks, they might ought to move up and do today. Prob a good idea... considering she measure me while she was at it, and I am dilated to a 2 and have a soft cervix. So... it's a toss up if I'm going to make it to my next appointment in two weeks. Yeah!!!
Guess there was a reason to go ahead and get those bags packed yesterday!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Great family day!

Our little family had one of the best day's yesterday! I couldn't tell you the last time that all four of us were here and it was so peaceful! I don't think a single person yelled the whole day! The spirit in our home was absolutely awesome!! We didn't do anything really special, just were home together. And, it wasn't just sitting in front of the television or computer, it was actually being together. SOOOOO NICE!

Unfortunately our family time was broken with Adam having to return to work today. But, the calmness in the house has continued. The three of us had a good day at church this morning. Both the boys behaved, as far as I know. At least they stayed in class, and I didn't have to be taken out tend to either of them. They are growing up so fast! But, it is certainly a good thing, since we are about a month away from Beth getting here, and then she will be distracting us in church. How time flies!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

32 weeks

Well, I am officially 32 weeks along, and things with me and the baby are good. I've been getting out nearly everyday and walking for 20-30 minutes, and it feels great! It has also helped slow down the weight gain, as I only gained 2 lbs this time. It has really helped the boys, too, and they are loving being outside.

Wishing all aspects in my life were so good! I found out last week that a good high school friend of mine, Melisa, passed away. She had several health problems, but had been doing really well. So, it was a bit of a shock. I had just reconnected with her on face book, and we'd had lots of discussions about PawPaw and so forth. I sure am going to miss her! Will, Mel's boyfriend, flew her back to Oklahoma so the funeral could be with family and friends. It will be on Wednesday. I'm very thankful that I will get to see her one last time while here on earth. I am so grateful, Will. Thank you!

In other areas, PawPaw went back to the ER on Sunday. More pain, stomach this time, and more hallucinations. Uggh! Starting to see a reoccurring cycle...
Despite him being high as a kite from the morphine they gave him, and him still seeing things, they sent him home that same afternoon. I sure wish someone would figure out what is going on, and fix it! Obviously, there is a problem. Am I the only one that sees this??!??! Just don't understand.

Everything else, I guess, is normal. Whatever that is! Adam was off for the weekend, and enjoyed it in front of the computer watching movies. He is back at work today, and looking at another long week. At least we should see him some this week. So that is a definite plus! I've taken the boys' diapers away, and am diligently working on getting them to stay dry through the night. I think we are doing a pretty good job, and have had just two accidents in the last week. Since I am having to go potty in the middle of the night, around 2, I have been getting them up as well. I am hoping to start moving that time up a little at a time until I no longer have to get them up. Not sure what else to do, so we'll see how it goes.

I've been having a lot of pain in my hip and lower back, so I finally made an appointment with a chiropractor in Weatherford. I go tomorrow, and am really hoping that he will help and I can start getting some sleep. Here's hoping!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sun is shining

Well, it has been a gorgeous week! Sun shining, warm weather, and feeling better this week than I have in a while.

After my hip being sucha pain and discovering the horrible weight gain, I decided that some much need exercise was a necessity. Luckily the weather has cooperated, and while the boys played in the driveway with some sidewalk chalk or with the Gator, I walked our loop for 20-30 minutes each day. It has helped tremendously with my stressed muscles, my hip, and I feel great! On top of that, it has really helped to get the kids outside. Sure has made the days go by better, and the kids have been in such a great mood. Awesome!

In other news, PawPaw has been sent home again. He returned home on Tuesday afternoon. He had a rough spell that afternoon, but seems to be doing better now. Despite everyone telling him he needs to get up, he refuses. It's very frustrating. He needs to get circulation in that foot and really needs to work those muscles. But, he is stubborn! LOL. Obviously, that is where me and my kids get it from! :)

Well, we are going to have a busy weekend. The boys and I are headed to Manitou to clean the Methodist church with Nana after lunch. We are staying at mom and dad's tonight, and then headed to McAlester to see Grandpa Nobles on Saturday. Riding in the van that far should be interesting. Hopefully my hip and leg will behave themselves. We should get home sometime Sunday afternoon. We haven't seen Adam all week, and he has to work today and tomorrow, so we won't get to see him until we get home on Sunday. Bummer. But, it will be good to see Grandpa!

Monday, March 1, 2010


What a good weekend. Dad came up on Saturday, and him and Adam got the car fixed. So, the van has returned to Mom and Dad's house. Yeah!!! One more stresser gone! Well, make that two - - the car fixed and the van gone!

While they were fixing the car, the kids and I picked up mom and went to see PawPaw at Altus. He was very groggy most of Saturday, but that didn't keep the boys from trying to wake him up and talk to him. It was kinda cute. They kept poking him and telling him to "WAKE UP!" His eyes would pop open, and he'd then grin at them. So they thought it was a great game! LOL
He is still having some pain in his leg, but seems to be doing lots better when the nurses come around and get him out of bed to walk him. His family doctor got back from vacation today, and everyone seems to think that is like magic, and everything will get better now. However, from what I can tell, all he has done today is push more meds. :( Sure hasn't impressed me.

All four of us were able to attend church together yesterday. The boys behave so much better when Adam is home and able to go to church with us! And, we even made it on time! Now, that's a shocker... The whole day sure seemed to run smoothly. I'm hoping that Nick was better, and kept his spit to himself. At least his teacher didn't track me down yesterday, so that is a good sign!

Today, Adam and I went and saw Beth with the 4-D ultrasound. It was really cool. Unfortunately, our little one is quite stubborn. She had her head buried in my left hip, and wouldn't pose for the camera. So, all we got were pictures of her face in profile view. Some of them are pretty darn cute, though! She has some of the longest fingers, I think I have ever seen! And she really enjoys putting them in her mouth, and using them to cover her face. So Cute!! Also, we kinda walked through the hospital, and one of the nursery nurses showed us the labor and delivery department. The rooms are HUGE! For such a tiny hospital, I was very shocked to see the size of the labor/delivery rooms and the recovery rooms. Especially after the tiny closet of a room I recovered in while in Lawton. Needless to say, I am very impressed and feel very comfortable about delivering at Weatherford Hospital. :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Could it be...?

Could today actually be a better day? It may be cloudy and yucky outside today, however, the sun if finally shining on me and my family, I feel like.

I'm tempted not to even discuss yesterday! Granted, it wasn't as bad as Wednesday, however, I sure felt worse. All was good until I got to the doctors office. I talked to mom first thing yesterday morning, and PawPaw had cat napped on and off Wednesday night. That was some improvement over the day before, at least. He was semi-coherent, and actually asked where Nana was. That was also a good thing. (Nana had went home to finally get some much needed sleep, which she did.) I then dropped the boys off, and headed to Hydro for my doc appointment.
I got on the scale and nearly fell over. Could it be? Did I actually gain 5 POUNDS in two weeks!?!?!?! OH MY!!!!! That is more than I gained in the two MONTHS prior. I may not look huge, but I certainly feel it now! Then a few minutes later, I find out that my blood pressure is still high, for me, anyway. Not tooo big of a shocker, considering the two weeks I've had, but still! So, I'm already bummed about these findings, and I am on my way to pick the boys back up, and my mom calls. Sure isn't a good sign, considering... Anyway, I guess right after she talked to me earlier, Dad called her, and PawPaw is having a bad time. He is in a TON of pain, and he is hysterical and all upset that people are out to hurt the family... including, Nana, Mom, Dad, and me. Nana finally had gotten there, and convinced him that she was alright, but when Mom got there, it started all over, because he was wanting her to go get me, because I was in danger. The doc was giving him Morphine for the pain, but it wasn't seeming to help.
They did finally get him calmed down, but his pain is still pretty bad. Whatever they have him on now seems to be somewhat working, but he still has leg spasms and his ankle where he busted it all up from Wednesday is giving him a lot of trouble. So, last night he got a little more sleep, finally! I don't know what they've given him, but it finally seems to be working and at least letting him rest.

So, today is a new day! PawPaw woke up this morning a little more alert and knowing what's going on. He is still confused at where he is - - he thinks he is in a military hospital at the city, and thinks they haven't done his surgery yet, but he knows the people around him, and he hasn't seen people that aren't there anymore. So, things are improving. But, he still has moments where he's out of it, and still a lot of ankle pain. The doc is thinking that all this was caused by a bad reaction to the anesthesia. And, that if he does get back to normal, that it will take a long time, and his recovery process will be very lengthy.
On top of PawPaw doing better, Adam will finally be headed home this evening. After a long week, and supposed to be home Tuesday night, he will be home tonight! :-) It sure has beena hard week with him gone!! I am beginning to relax a little, and just hoping that things can continue to be better!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


What a day it has been already! The boys were up at 6 this morning, and into stuff when I finally heard them in the kitchen. Zack had all my measuring cups on the floor playing with them. Well, it coulda been a lot worse. At least they were getting along, nothing was broken, and it was only a little mess.

I got them settled at the table with yesterdays leftover biscuits, and set to work. Got the kitchen cleaned then made the banana nut muffins that I've been hungry for. (Yes they are as good as I hoped.) Now breakfast is done for the next couple mornings. Next, I made M&M cookies, and they are very good too, if I do say so myself.

Well, I am finishing up the cookies, and the phone rings. Never a good thing at 8:30 am! Mom was calling to let me know that PawPaw didn't sleep again last night, and that his hallucinations are getting worse. Wasn't sure how much worse they could get, but they are. Apparently, last night he saw swarms of people all around the house writing on it. He called the Sheriff's Department, and one of the deputies came out, tried to assure him that no one was there. But, of course, PawPaw wasn't at all convinced. Then there was a woman in the house standing behind Nana, and he tried to hit the woman, and, of course, hit Nana. So, needless to say, neither of them got any sleep again last night. This is the third night that this has been going on, and each night is getting worse.

So, when the nurse got there before lunch, she advised that they call his doctors office and take him in to get checked out. Turns out his doc is on vaca this week, of course. So Nana and my cousin Tyler are taking him to the ER in Lawton to get checked out there. All this, we thought, was being caused by some pain meds that he was on. But, he quit taking them Saturday, and the pharmacist that I talked to, and his nurse both said that it should be out of his system by now, and that something else is going on. So the complications with PawPaw continue...

Now, if the boys will just take a nap, and we can get to play group so I can have a short break, maybe my blood pressure can return to normal!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Great Weekend

What a great weekend!

Friday, I summoned up the courage to go to the temple for the first time by myself. It was awesome! That is the most relaxed and calm I've been in a LONG time! After getting home from OKC, the boys took a nap, and then we got ready for my mom and dad to pick them up after supper. We had home-made pizza, the boys fav, and Meme and Papa wisked them away. It was so nice to have a break - - watch what I want on TV, eat what I want, and just relax. :-)

On Saturday, I had a relaxing morning, then got around and went south to have lunch at my Nana and PawPaw's house. PawPaw is doing much better, although he is chair bound and Nana won't let him up. It was kinda funny watching them fuss at each other about what he can do and can't do. LOL After lunch, we went to the nursing home, and had birthday cake with Great Granny for her 93rd birthday. She seemed to have a great time watching the kids run around, and ate all of her cake and raspberry sherbet. It was very good! We then went downtown in Frederick and checked out the craft booths for the annual Oyster Fry. Not a whole lot there, and all I came home with was a cheese dip mix and a headband for Beth. Oh, well. At least I didn't come home empty handed!

Sunday was ward conference, and it was awesome! We have some wonderful stake leaders, and the conference centered around the family, and our responsibilities for our family. It was soooo good! Adam made dinner last night, and so I had the night off even. What a great end for a great weekend!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

This pregnancy

It hit me again today just how different this pregnancy has been compared to the boys. And I thought they were night and day... This has been a completely different world.

It amazes me how very low Beth is. It's like sometimes when she kicks, I don't know if it could be any lower. I wonder sometimes if I can see her foot! It's not like it's painful, just really weird. With the boys, they were positioned so much higher. When Nick kicked, it's like he was kicking my lungs. He could take my breath away. Zack liked to kick and make me nauseous. Beth sure has a mind of her own already!

With her positioned lower, I can also see more of my tummy. This isn't too big of a deal, except today I realized that my belly button has disappeared. There is no little indent anymore, just flat. Don't know if this was the case the first two times around, because I couldn't see it with how high the boys were, but it sure looks strange. And, I can see my stretch marks for the first time while being pregnant too... Not nearly as impressed with that fact. :(

Then there is the whole tightness thing. I realized yesterday that all the muscles tense up around my tummy and in my chest when I get stressed out or am frustrated at the boys. So, I've been trying extra hard to stay calm, and not let the boys get to me... Not an easy thing to do when I'm with them 24/7. All I keep thinking is - - just two more months!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I knew it!

Well, I knew PawPaw shouldn't have went home already! Nana called mom last night, and they took PawPaw to the ER in Lawton, by ambulance. He was having really bad leg cramps. But, by the time they got there, they had nearly completely quit. So they checked him out and sent him home. The doc did say that he had good pulse in his foot, though, so that was good news. The doc also said that he need to stretch and move that leg more. That's probably why it is knotting up. Just not to overdo it! Needless to say - PawPaw, Nana, mom, and dad didn't get much sleep last night.
I am feeling better this morning, and getting around a little better as well. I do really good, as long as I'm not fussing at the boys. Now, if only they'd cooperate! I'm really looking forward to going to the temple on Friday. It will be nice to have a little down time, and to really relax. Looking forward to the peace.

Monday, February 15, 2010

PawPaw headed home!

Well, ready or not PawPaw is headed home this afternoon. The doc gave him some meds to regulate his heart rate, and his blood pressure is back to normal. However, he has a new sore on his foot from dragging it while walking yesterday. Which, is a little aggravating, considering the whole point of the surgery was to get the sore on his toe better. :
Anyway, I'm a little worried about how he is going to do at home. He's not getting around very well, and it's scary to think that it's just going to be him and Nana there. But, I wasn't asked for my opinion. :)
I've had a very interesting couple of days. Adam was home, but only really here physically. It sure would be nice if he could get caught up on some sleep, and not be a zombie!
Nick was really cute yesterday, and told me at least a dozen times, "Happy Valentines Day, Mommy. Your the best mommy ever!" Made my heart melt! Kids sure can be sweet at times!!
I've been feeling very weird the last couple of days. The muscles all across my tummy are all tight, and it makes it very uncomfy to move or get anything done. It was all I could do to get through teaching my lesson in Relief Society yesterday. Certainly doesn't help with both the kids using me as a climbing post.
Zack is continuing to get up before the sun comes up. He is really quiet about it, though, and just goes to the living room, and turns the TV on. He knows how to work the remote and how to find his Disney channel. So, I'm not completely sure how early he's been getting up. I know it was before 6:30 this morning. Sure makes for a long day. All I can say is: Yea for nap time!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Glucose Test

I had a doctors appointment today. It was interesting... what I was worried about, the gestational diabetes glucose test, came back good. ("Yea! No more pokies!" says Nick.) However, my blood pressure was VERY high for me. About 30/10 higher than my normal. Hmmmm...

I am still measuring about a centimeter big. So, she may be our earliest baby yet. Both the boys were 3-3 1/2 weeks early, and they measure right on for measurements. So, only time will tell. Her heart rate is good, and she is moving up a storm, so all is well with her.

Mom just called, and PawPaw is still in ICU. His blood pressure and heart rate are low, and his blood sugar is not right. UGH!!! Talk about adding to my stress! He is making Nana's life miserable, though. He hasn't gotten to eat yet, and he is complaining because the hospital won't let him dip. Nana told him it'd be just a good time to quit anyway... Sounds all to familiar. We went through these exact same discussions last time he was in the hospital with his legs. All I can say, is he better be have!!! :D Yea, like that'll happen!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

PawPaw Surgery

Well, today was interesting. PawPaw had surgery on his leg today, and it ran an hour long. Then, the family had to wait an hour in the conference room, waiting on the doc to get in there to let them know what happened. All was well, just took longer than planned, I guess. He's in ICU for the night, and will be moved to a regular room in the morning. Nana is staying with him, getting to sleep in a not-so-comfy chair. :(
I decided that it was a little much for me to go to the hospital with both the boys, and being 7 months pregnant. So, I am very glad all went well. Adam got home and we got to spend the day with him. Then, right as I was getting ready to start dinner, he got a call to go in to work. So, he missed the wonderful dinner I made, and will be gone until at least tomorrow night. But, since they are behind on this job, I'll be surprised if I see him before the weekend.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Welcome from the Hansen family!

Well, if mom can have time to write a blog, so can I, right?! :) I guess it's time to join the 21st century. Adam has me hooked on facebook. Now starting this... not sure how I'll be able to keep up!

Today is just another day in the Hansen house. Not a whole lot going on. It's quiet... both the boys are taking a nap - and at the same time! Hoping that Adam makes it home tonight. Weather is better, so they should get to get off of the well site. Let's hope!!