Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tis the Season

It seems that time is going faster and faster. Here is a recap of the highlights for 2013 for each family member:

Adam: Still working at Schlumberger, but has taken a new position. He is now able to be home most nights, and every other weekend. He also has most Sundays off, which is a pleasant change. He seems to be liking the change much better, and seems to be working with some much better guys. He went hunting with my dad again this fall, and was able to shoot a bigger deer this year. He was pretty excited. He's already planning for next deer season.

Me: I have now been at ONG a full calendar year, and love going to work! I work with some great people. My biggest stress about returning to work has been getting the kids taken care of after school. For now, we are settled. Hopefully it can stay that way, till school starts next August, when they will all three be in school and ASP (After School Program.) I have also started using Young Living Essential Oils, and they are really helping improve our families health. We have made fewer trips to the doctor, gotten over colds and illnesses faster, and are doing much better health-wise this year. Yay! This was my third year as coordinator for Bountiful Baskets in Clinton. What a great thing my sil introduced me to! www.bountifulbaskets.org for more info.

Nick: Turned 8 this year! He was baptized in October, and has such a sweet strong spirit. He is in the 2nd grade and knows everything and is quick to tell you so. He is reading at a 5th grade level, and is still at the top of his class. His teacher this year is great, and is really challenging him. He is a student tutor, and a group leader in his class. He started cub scouts in October, and is really enjoying it. We are a lot alike, still, and tend to butt heads a lot. He is my biggest challenge. But, I find great joy in teaching him things and getting to talk about big kid stuff. I love that he comes to me with questions, and he doesn't hold anything back.

Zack: is 6 and in the 1st grade. He has the same teacher Nick had last year, which he thinks is wonderful. He is the quietly smart one. You have to drag info out of him. He loves to read as well, and his favorite is to read to his little sister. His teacher brags that he is always the good example. "Everyone should be doing ___ like Zack." He is still my big eater, and eats more than I do. He is taller than Nick, and is as strong as an ox, but has the sweetest, softest personality. (Unless you are his sibling and you offended him!) Zack is still my cuddler and he loves to crawl up on my lap during story time and family scripture time.

Beth: is 3 and in her last year of preschool at Pop N Tot. She is learning to write her name and shapes. She is recognizing most of the letters of the alphabet, and will randomly say "I see a P, that's for Paisley. I see a S, that's for Scarlett!" Her newest thing is to read to her brothers. She picks a book, and tells the story, picture by picture. It is so cute! She knows all her colors and shapes. In May, she started gymnastics at Gold's Gym, and is loving it! Her favorite things are to hang upside down on the uneven bars, and to bounce on the tramps.

We made two trips this year, one to San Antonio to visit the Bittel's and the other to Branson. Had a great time at each place, and look forward to going back to both. We have a BIG trip planned this year at the end of school, so stay tuned for that!

Hoping you and yours had a wonderful 2013, happy holidays, and have a blessed 2014.
The Hansens


As 2013 comes to a close, I have so much to be thankful for. I've had a lot of emotional stress and self inflicted emotional weight on my shoulders this year. But, I have also tried really hard to count my blessing each day. So, before I write my traditional yearly recap, I want to take a minute to relay all the many things that I am thankful of:

    • A loving Heavenly Father, who forgives all of my faults if I will just bow my head and humbly ask.
    • The gospel in my life.
    • My Savior, the perfect Example, Jesus Christ.
    • The wonderful missionaries who knocked on our door 8 years ago.
    • Our tireless church leaders, both general and local.
    • All of the many church members that have listened, served, and been there for me and our family.
    • Extended family.
    • My hardworking husband.
    • My 3 beautiful, challenging children.
    • Our home and the spirit that abides there.
    • The handful of close friends that have been there for me through thick and thin.
    • The two most amazing women, who have listened to a lot this year, and have never once judged me or not had time for me. Love you girls!!
    • My job and the wonderful people I work with, including the best boss one could have.
    • Kind teachers and babysitters that have made going back to work an easy transition.
    • Reliable transportation.
    • A small group of girls in OKC that I can talk to, who understand exactly what I am saying.
    • Essential oils, and the girls that introduced me to Young Living.
    • Improved health.
    • Bountiful Baskets, for so many reasons. The participants, volunteers, founders, and the variety of produce that has entered our home.
    • My church calling as Relief Society President. It is a challenge, but I have learned a lot in the past year through it.
    • The sisters I am blessed to serve with in Relief Society.
    • The Primary program, and the sisters that teach my children every Sunday.
    • Cub scouts.
    • Visiting Teaching, and especially my visiting teachers and home teacher.
And much more that I'm not remembering at this moment. I am truly blessed.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Vacation

This summer, we got to visit a place I've never been - - San Antonio!! How fun!

The drive down seemed to take days instead of the 9.5 hours it actually took. I think everyone was so anxious to get there, we kinda drove each other crazy a little. Beth was the cutest. She kept asking, when are we getting to vacation?, is it time for vacation?, and are we at vacation yet?. Oh, my little chatter box...

The whole reasoning of going down there was to see some good friends of ours that had moved last year. We sure do miss them, and are so excited when we get to see them again! We spent 5 days of visiting, eating, and chasing kids. It was wonderful!! Our kids are already wondering what we will do when we visit next time, so be ready Monica! :)

While we were there, we went to the River Walk. The weather was great, and it was a really neat place. I'd love to go without kids to check out some of the shops some day. We ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe (don't waste your time and money!!) and then went on the boat ride tour. Very cool tour!! I learned and saw some really cool and interesting stuff! We poked our head into the wax museum and Ripley's, but decided it was getting late, and headed back to the car.

Another night, we went to a bbq at one of their friends' house. Kids had a blast playing outside in the slip-and-slide and with water balloons. Adults had a great time visiting. What a great evening chit chatting and eating!

I sure wish our visit could have lasted another week, but we did have to return north. It was so great seeing our wonderful friends, and we look forward to a return visit!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


One of my favorite things that Nick did this school year is journal. His wonderful teacher set aside a couple times a week to write their thoughts down in a spiral notebook. Occasionally, she'd give them a topic, but for the most part, they could freestyle and write whatever was on their mind. Genius!

So, since I loved this so much, Nick and I discussed keeping it going. He thought it was a superb idea! So, now him and I both sit down on Sunday afternoon to journal. Zack has even joined in. It has become a wonderful Sunday-after-church activity! We may just have an author in the making... :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

End of School

This year's school term has come to a close. I have been blessed with the three most wonderful children. I was reflecting on their growth and accomplishments last night, as I was looking through their full backpacks last night. I think I will share some of my realizations with you today...

Nick - Wow, that kid is so much like me in some ways! And school is one of them, I am happy to report. He loves school and loves pushing himself to do his best. What more could you ask for as a parent?! I was reading through his list of "likes" last night, and he put his favorite subject is Math. And he loves to read. Sound familiar? I'm not sure how far he can count at this point. Sad to admit, but once we reach 9,000+, I tune him out. Ooops. He is doing basic algebra and has started simple multiplications with me. He is reading at a 3rd or 4th grade level, reading chapter books. Did I mention that he just finished the 1st grade? He has all of his sight words for next year memorized. And, in all of the reading tests this year, only missed one comprehension question. Wow! So proud of my mini-me!!

Zack - My lovey, snuggly boy! He reminds me of parts of all the "boys" in my life. Adam, Tyler, Brandon, and Michie, just depending on what he is doing at the time. He has his daddy and Uncle Michie's temper and attitude, is quiet and has facial expressions like Tyler, and is snuggly and my shadow like Brandon. What a great combination! At the end of pre-k, last year, I felt like Zack was a little behind the curve. His teacher was a wonderful pre-k teacher, but didn't push him at all. Zack is one of those kids, that if he can skate by, he will. If he doesn't have to do it, he won't. This year, his teacher really worked with him to push him out of his comfort zone. He has caught up and then some! His handwriting has greatly improved, he knows all of the kindergarten sight words, and is beginning to read. I am so proud of the progress he has made and how much he as grown this year!!

Beth - Poor thing is more like me than I am willing to admit! She is stubborn and in dependant, knows how to get her way, and rules the roost. And, boy to her big brothers know it! They let her boss them and do whatever she says. It's quite cute most of the time. She started at preschool in November, and has grown in leaps and bounds the last 6 months. It has been so good for her and me! She speaks so clearly, and has the biggest vocabulary. She sings ALL the time, and most of the time it is "Jingle Bells." (Thanks Mary! lol) She can say most of her colors now, and can count to 14. She can sometimes spell her name, and is working on writing it. She loves books, and will sit through story after story. She has transitioned so well over the last year with all the changes, and is doing great. She isn't my baby anymore; she is quick to tell you "I'm a big girl!!"

We have been so blessed to have wonderful teachers this year for all the kids! Each one of them are amazing, and I will never be able to thank them enough for all the hard work they have put in with my children. Nick will be moving up to a bigger school next year, and I was really nervous about it. But, his teacher has prepared him, and put us both at ease. Zack will be going to 1st grade and is ready for it. Beth has one more year of preschool, and is continuing to soak it all in. All three are such sponges, and have soaked in a lot this year. Looking forward to see what they will soak in next year!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Improving Health

So, I was just looking back on my facebook posts for this year and there are NONE about sick kids. WOW! Now, we still have the occasional stuffies, upset tummies, and fevers. Zack did have the flu in January and strep in February, but those were the only "sick" visits we have made to the pediatrician's office this year! Compared to last year, we are doing AWESOME! I will note, that Beth did split her head open, and we did visit the doc for that to get glued and butterflied together. But, she wasn't actually "sick." Our other little "sicknesses" weren't even big enough to post about!! Yay!!

Now, you may be wondering... "How did they go from going in every couple weeks last year, to only two "sick" trips in almost 6 months??" Let me tell ya: Young Living Essential Oils! Here is our story so far - -

In February, a good friend (who I met through Bountiful Baskets, more on that later) invited me to an oil class. After the year we had last year, I was ready to listen to and try just about anything. So, I went, with checkbook in the car just in case. That night changed our family. I signed up on the spot and ordered the Everyday Oils kit.
Little did I know that they wouldn't get here fast enough. That weekend, Beth started running a good fever, hovering around 102-103. We were at my parents house, and doing the Tylenol/Ibu thing. It would come down for a short time and then go right back up. I reached out on FB to my friend who signed me up with oils, and met up with her to "borrow" some to get us through. Oh, MY!! I just have to say, peppermint is WONDERFUL! Her fever broke within a half an hour and didn't come back!

Soon after that, we got our first kit of oils, and haven't looked back. Within a month of getting that first shipment, we treated a goose egg from Beth falling out of a kitchen chair (the same day we got oils in the mail!), several fevers, two very bad cases of congestion/sinus problems, and an upset tummy. All of which, the kids missed no school and not 1 doc trip.
In the last 3 months, I can't begin to list all that we have treated. Congestion, tummy problems, sore muscles, snoring, trouble sleeping, bumps and bruises, cuts, bug bites, and the list goes on and on.

I must say, I am forever grateful to such a great friend to share this blessing with me and my family!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

2012 Sicknesses, continued

Well, as promised six months ago, here is the continued story of our 2012 sickness battles.

Instead of breaking it down by family member or month, I think I will just do an overview, since so much time has passed. That way I can move on to more updated info. :)

So, there was more time spent in 2012 with a member of our family sick than not. No, that isn't an exaggeration. I was looking back through facebook posts, and man!, were we ever sick a lot! Looking back, there were literally only two months that I didn't post about someone being ill. And, that's not including the day to day stuff, like sinus/allergy stuffies, that we are ALWAYS dealing with!

There were two major issues, though, that need to be mentioned. Both of the youngest kiddos were hospitalized last year. Each for about a week at Children's hospital in OKC.
Beth's visit was in the first of May. She had been stuffy over the weekend, and I took her in to see our doctor on Monday. She was immediately admitted into Weatherford Regional, then medi-flighted to Children's. It was the scariest time of my life! She was put in NICU and kept there for three days, then transferred to a regular room for 4 more days. The cause of all this drama? A respiratory infection and resp virus.
Then, 5 short months later, we went through the exact same thing with Zack. Luckily he wasn't as critical, and we got to avoid ICU. But, he was in Children's for 6 days, for exactly the same infection and virus.

Those were our exiting sicknesses. Everything before, in between, and after was much calmer. Several ear infections, strep several times, and many fevers, stomach bugs, and tons of sinus/allergy junk.

So far, this year has been a little calmer. But, more on that in a future post.